Welcome to Ortho Baltic! We develop & produce high quality custom-made products for foot with focus on individual orthopaedic footwear and pre-preg orthoses
Central fabrication of custom made orthopaedic footwear More

Custom-made insoles

Orthotics are specially designed to restore the natural position and function of the foot. Besides support they have to unload painful pressure points.  Both fytures are obtained through designing the right orthotic shape and choosing the right combination of materials.

Any complex individual orthotics specified by a customer can be produced at our company. Both traditional hand-made and new CAD/ CAM technologies are used as they have their own advantages. The different technique can be preferred in every separate case.

Individual hand-made lastsIndividual hand-made orthotics

Hand-made technique allows producing any most complex orthotics that meet the needs of patients with utmost orthopaedic problems even such as amputated foot, calcaneus foot, and others.

Both advanced and traditional materials are carefully selected and their combinations are included in our range. All types of materials are available: semi-rigid supporting and soft accommodative. As a rigid material - carbon fibre is used.

The orthotics are hand crafted by skilled technicians to get the perfect fit. Any complicated individual shape can be formed: with high medial/lateral board, Chopart, Lisfrank, Arthrodese-koker  and others.

Individual CAD CAM lastsIndividual CAD CAM insoles

Due to CAD/ CAM technology individual orthopaedic insoles can be produced much faster and at lower price as for their production requires less work and no individual lasts. However they are limited in size and materials. This type of insoles can not substitute hand-made orthotics in complicated cases.

Therefore individual CAD/ CAM insoles are usually made to fit comfort footwear.

Digital data (3D and 2D foot scans or scans of an imprint and blueprint) has to be provided for modelling of insoles. Single-layer and multi-layer materials are being used for milling.