ORTHO BALTIC at the Lithuanian Business Forum
On March 5th, 2021, the Lithuanian Business Forum was held online. This virtual event was attended by more than 150 speakers and discussion participants and more than 5,000 Lithuanian entrepreneurs, economists, business and management consultants. Among them – Gediminas Kostkevičius, Chairman of the Board and General Director of ORTHO BALTIC, who presented the topic "Why the manufacturer of medical devices has undertaken data engineering".
Expansion in technologies of data collection and processing capabilities, influenced the company to create a pre-surgical planning and communication platform, MICE (Medical Implants Customization Engine), system is designed to plan surgeries, adjust the design of personalized medical devices (implants), gather medical professionals, and share information between medical device manufacturers, physicians, and patients. The ever growing and expanding clinical database MICE CDB gives physicians the opportunity to search for the examples of retrospective cases of good clinical practise in case of particularly complex clinical situations, base decisions on that and apply them in everyday clinical practice.